What skills do data scientists need?
Data scientists act as translators, bridging the gap between the world of raw data and actionable business solutions. They possess a keen understanding of the data landscape within an organization. This empowers them to identify, acquire, and analyze the most relevant data for uncovering valuable insights. Their ability to explain findings and predictions to the business world supports informed decision making. They are skilled detectives, adept at using a variety of analytical and statistical techniques to unlock the hidden potential within data. These insights are then transformed into actionable roadmaps and strategies that directly address real-world business problems.
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What skills do data scientists need?
Data scientists act as translators, bridging the gap between the world of raw data and actionable business solutions. They possess a keen understanding of the data landscape within an organization. This empowers them to identify, acquire, and analyze the most relevant data for uncovering valuable insights. Their ability to explain findings and predictions to the business world supports informed decision making. They are skilled detectives, adept at using a variety of analytical and statistical techniques to unlock the hidden potential within data. These insights are then transformed into actionable roadmaps and strategies that directly address real-world business problems.
2022 年一篇刊載於《Current Biology》的研究文章,介紹一個來自希臘羅德島的更新世新屬新種偽虎鯨類化石紀錄:Rododelphis stamatiadisi 。化石標本保存相當完整,還保留了 Rododelphis stamatiadisi 的最後一餐證據,加上化石牙齒的形態證實該化石是以魚類為食的早期偽虎鯨類,與現在的偽虎鯨的食性截然不同!不僅如此,作者更進一步比對另一件虎鯨類化石、現生的虎鯨與偽虎鯨標本,進行形質與親緣關係分析,推敲出現在的虎鯨與偽虎鯨會捕食哺乳類(其他鯨豚)的特殊食性,其實是很近代才演化出來的行為。
【開箱大學教授】The Spirit of Innovation and Change in Teaching and Service|Corey Fernandez, Assistant Professor at Nevada State University (3)