
當你在滑手機、按讚梗圖、分享搞笑影片時,是否曾想過這些動態消息的文章順序是如何決定的?社群媒體公司要透過怎麼樣的行銷內容來吸引使用者?     網路影片爆紅的祕方是什麼?這些問題的關鍵答案,是數據科學。數據科學是一門結合機器學習、資料統計與科學研究方法,來理解、分析龐大數據的學問。在龐大的資訊海中,數據科學能夠幫助我們揭開隱含在其中的寶貴訊息,以回答上述的那些問題。

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The secret behind Big Data-Data Science

When scrolling through your favorite social media app, liking memes, and sharing funny videos, have you ever wondered how the order of the posts on your feed was determined? What marketing content should the company use to attract more people to their app? Or have you pondered what contributes to trendy videos on the internet? To answer these questions, data science comes into play. Data science utilizes a combination of machine learning, statistics, and research methods to make sense of the vast amount of information at hand. It reveals valuable insights in the data to support processes for building the functions mentioned above.

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