【開箱大學教授】從英國文學到認知神經科學|內華達州立大學心理學與諮商系Corey Fernandez助理教授(上)

Corey Fernandez教授雖是英國文學背景,但在因緣際會下接觸到了心理學,並發現這個領域才是她想追求、投入的,於是她投入時間與精力,最終取得了英文與心理學的雙學位。然而,畢業之後,她雖然知道自己想走學術研究,但依然感到徬徨。但她並沒有駐足不前,而是選擇諮詢身旁的老師、長伴與同儕的建議,甚至主動寫信給自己喜歡的研究領域教授詢問建議。儘管最終她選擇先進入職場幾年,看似比其他人起步更晚,但她仍認為在職場的經驗,反而成為了她日後研究時的最佳養分。因此她鼓勵所有學生,當人生面臨徬徨時,不要急著做決定,先尋求身邊人的協助,尋覓出自己真心喜歡的方向,才能長長久久且永不倦怠地走下去。

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【開箱大學教授】From English Literature to Cognitive Neuroscience|Corey Fernandez, Assistant Professor at Nevada State University (1)

Professor Corey Fernandez, originally from a background in English literature, serendipitously encountered psychology and discovered that this was the field she truly wanted to pursue and invest in. She dedicated her time and energy to this newfound passion, ultimately obtaining dual degrees in English and psychology. However, after graduation, although she knew she wanted to pursue academic research, she still felt uncertain. Instead of stagnating, she chose to seek advice from her teachers, long-term companions, and peers, even proactively writing to professors in her favorite research fields for guidance. Despite ultimately deciding to enter the workforce for a few years, which seemed like a later start compared to others, she believed that her experience in the workplace became the best nourishment for her future research. Therefore, she encourages all students to seek help from those around them when feeling uncertain about their path in life. By finding a direction they genuinely love, they can continue on their journey tirelessly and with enduring passion.

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