【活動預告】4/2雙重螺旋之父Dr. James D. Watson演講
Dr. James D. Watson: 發現DNA雙螺旋結構
James D. Watson博士在1962年,因為發現DNA雙重螺旋結構的卓越貢獻而與Rosalind Franklin和Francis Crick共同獲得諾貝爾生醫獎。
Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1962)
Chancellor Emeritus, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Watson博士此次來台,將在國立陽明大學和中研院各進行一次演講,主題分別為「From Discovery of Double Helix Structure of DNA to Developing a Research Career」以及「Management of Science as an Enterprise」。暢談其以科學作為終生事業的心得。
Lecture (A) 場次A
Topic: | From Discovery of Double Helix Structure of DNA to Developing a Research Career?????????????????????????? |
Time: | 10:00-11:30, April 2, 2010 (Friday) |
Venue: | Convention Center, National Yang-Ming University |
? | 國立陽明大學活動中心 |
YUM On-line Registration
Lecture (B) 場次B
Topic: | Management of Science as an Enterprise |
Time: | 15:30-17:00, April 2, 2010 (Friday) |
Venue: | ?International Conference Hall (3F), Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica |
? | 中央研究院人文社會科學館3樓國際會議廳 |
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