■ 美國自然歷史博物館天體物理館館長麥克洛(Mordecai-Mark Mac Low)在第215屆的美國天文協會會議上,提出修正古典行星遷徙理論的見解。他認為,依照舊有的理論,地球是不可能形成的,它只會落入太陽之中。若將熱能的變化也列入考量,行星就在新的模型中就可能向外或向內「遷徙」,從而安穩地被留在軌道上。

撰文 ∣ Dr. Jonathan Shock??? 翻譯?∣ 盧愛羅
At the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington on January 6 the exciting new results from a recent paper were presented by Mark Low, a coauthor on one of the latest papers to study planetary formation and migration These results shed new light on how planets like our own may come into being from the lifeless dust and gas which circles stars like the sun.
It is a scientist's job to look at the world around us and to discover its inner workings. A scientist builds a model of a system which may describe anything from the inner workings of an atom, to the firing of neurons in the human brain, to complex weather patterns all the way up to the large scale structure of the universe.
By writing down a theory in the language of mathematics and comparing its predictions to the observations we make in the laboratory or the world around us we are able to get ever closer to a fundamental understanding of nature.
It is often the case that a system is too complicated to model exactly, so we must make approximations.
We don't model the fall of an apple from a tree by calculating what every particle in the apple and the earth experience. Often this is not a problem and we can capture the most important details through approximations (the apple as a single object and not one made up of countless electrons and protons), but sometimes our models fail to capture the very essence of the problem we are attempting to study.
This was the case until very recently when it came to our understanding of the formation of the Earth in the early era of the solar system, some 4.5 billion years ago. Clearly this is an important problem to answer from many perspectives. According to previous models, the world we stand on should simply not be here!
The formation of planets around a star is an exceedingly complicated problem, with an uncountable number of particles (dust and gas) flowing in a disk around the parent star, interacting in many complex ways.
In this problem as in many others that scientists face, it is impossible to model the system exactly, so it is important to decide what processes are important and what are extraneous to the question you are asking, so that the mathematical description can be simulated on powerful computers or studied with other analytical techniques.

In the case of planetary formation, the gravitational interactions between the dust in the disk, the mass in the larger aggregates of material, and the sun itself plus the friction of the material, its thermal properties, and the interaction between the magnetic fields from the star and those of the disk material itself plus countless other factors may be vital in order to understand how planets like our own form from the primordial disk of stardust.
The models that have been used until now have in general not taken into account the differences in temperature within regions of the disk and therefore have not correctly accounted for the flow of heat. In these models an Earth like planet quickly becomes unstable and falls into its star. Clearly there was something wrong with such a theory although it provided good answers when modeling the formation of larger planets, like the gas giants in our own solar system.
截至目前為止我們所用的各種模型,通常都沒有將碟形區域內的溫度變化視為重要因子,因此也未能將熱能的流動正確計算在內。在這些模型中,像地球大小的行星,將很快變得不穩定並往恆星的方向跌入。這些模型雖能正確預測較大行星的形成,比如太陽系內的氣體巨星(gas giant),但顯然仍有些失誤。
The new results from The American Museum of Natural History and Cambridge University however, have, for the first time taken the subtle effects from the temperature gradients into account and their results show stable Earth-like planetary formation. The heat flow, it was shown, is an absolutely vital part of the process in the stabilisation of planetary orbits. This advance in our understanding takes us closer to being able to estimate, for example, how many planets like the Earth are likely to be out there in our own galaxy and others, circling stars like the sun.
It is results like these which provide moments of enlightenment as to what are the important factors and the unnecessary details of a given complex system, which allow us to get closer to truly understanding the universe we live in. As computers get more powerful and our models improve we will get ever nearer to the truth, but these exciting new results mark an important leap in our comprehension of how we came to be here on this pale blue dot circling an average star in the spiral arm of one galaxy amongst billions.
(本文作者Dr. Jonathan Shock 現為西班牙 Santiago de Compostela 大學高能量物理研究員。在此特別感謝他為CASE撰寫此文,讓我們的讀者得以瞭解這則新發現在物理學上的貢獻。)
延伸閱讀:地球搬過家、How Earth Survived Its Birth