▶ Paragraphs about Carol 作者與動物的冒險故事 ◀
I grew up in a suburb outside of New York City and attended the University of Arizona where I earned a degree in Elementary Education. It is also where I met my husband Jim who was studying to become an evolutionary biologist. He was hired as a professor at UC Berkeley and thus began my lifetime of both education, which included earning a Master’s in Speech Language Pathology, and many animal adventures in different parts of the world from rainforests to deserts.

We spent four summers living deep in the Peruvian rainforest with two different indigenous groups where I interacted with the people, and explored the forest and its animals. My interactions with the people included washing clothes with the women on the river bank, accompanying them to their gardens, and having my face painted by them with a native dye that remained on my face for two weeks.
One of our first experiences with forest animals was with a baby anteater that awoke with a “Gork” asking for milk which he lapped up with his long tongue. When taken to a termite nest he relished tearing it open with its claws and using its long sticky tongue to lap up the termites that came pouring out. It once stuck this long tongue down Jim’s ear canal which is to this day a memorable moment for Jim.

We also had a group of army ants that bivouacked on the palm bark wall over our bed for the night causing us to spend that night in another residence. We once had a three toed sloth that hung onto the palm bark walls of our house; every time it moved the house creaked. While incredibly slow moving it was very strong and woe be you if your fingers became caught in the grasp of its claws. For a while we had a baby mouse opossum that I carried around in my belt loop that liked to lick milk from a saucer and climb on my thumb.

On our first trip to Madagascar after a day-long hike we set up camp, ate dinner and climbed into our tents just as it began to rain. Suddenly we were serenaded by an incredible variety of frogs calling. In the mornings we were often treated to calls of lemurs leaping through the trees. We delighted in the dance of the chameleon as it slowly walked along a branch, its eyes looking in opposite directions. It would stop and suddenly shoot its long tongue lightning fast to capture an insect. When walking through the forest and stopping briefly, we would notice small terrestrial leeches coming towards us from any and all directions.
Even now some 58 years later, I still go out to the deserts of the American southwest with my husband in spring and fall to trap animals like kangaroo rats and pocket mice, listen to the calls of the coyotes in the evening and enjoy the desert plants.